Upcoming Appearances
June 8th: David Rind, MD, MSc, ICER’s Chief Medical Officer, will be a panelist during a discussion on “Exploring How Sentinel Infrastructure Could Generate Real World Evidence on PCSK9 Inhibitors” at a conference titled Building a National Resource for Evidence Generation hosted by the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy in Washington, DC.
June 12th: Steve Pearson, MD, MSc, ICER’s President, will participate in a panel during the Massachusetts Association of Health Plans’ policy forum, Can Advances in Medicine Coexist with Cost Containment – How are States Addressing Prescription Drug Costs?, to be held in Boston, MA.
June 14th: Dan Ollendorf, PhD, ICER’s Chief Scientific Officer, will participate in a Canadian Patented Medicines Prices Review Board Fair Pricing Initiative Workgroup Meeting in Ottawa, ON, Canada.
June 17th-21st: Steve Pearson will participate in Health Technology Assessment International’s annual meeting in Rome, Italy.
June 21st: Sarah Emond, MPP, ICER’s Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, will be a panelist during a breakfast session, titled Tackling the Drug Price Problem: A Town Hall Debate, hosted by FierceBiotech at the BIO International Convention in San Diego, CA.
June 22nd– 23rd: Dan Ollendorf will be a panelist at a conference titled “Ensuring Safety, Efficacy and Access to Medical Products in the Age of Global Deregulation” at Yale University in New Haven, CT.
June 28th: Steve Pearson will participate in a Canadian Precision Medicine Payment Meeting.
Key Dates
June 8th: Atopic dermatitis Final Evidence Report and Meeting Summary posted
June 9th: Revised Scoping Document for tardive dyskinesia report posted
June 16th: Osteoporosis Evidence Report posted
June 28th: Abuse-deterrent opioids Evidence Report posted
June 30th: Public meeting of CTAF on treatments for osteoporosis