Our Origin Story.

Dr. Steve Pearson explains why he founded an organization to advance the use of evidence to improve health care affordability and access for all patients and their families.

The ICER Impact.

New York Medicaid pursued discounts, many of which were in line with ICER reports, which have saved the state over $500 million

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Engaged with over 400 patient groups and patient reps

In a landmark international program, HTA agencies around the world can now access ICER’s customizable COVID-19 Cost-Effectiveness Model

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The ICER-developed Clinical trial Diversity Rating (CDR) Tool presents a framework for evaluating the demographic diversity of clinical trial populations in a consistent, transparent manner leading to an overall diversity rating. Learn more.

cheerful creative patients sitting in a circle laughing

In early 2024, NICE announced a collaboration with ICER, CADTH, and ZIN (also known as the National Healthcare Institute in the Netherlands) to share learnings about the development of economic models at the disease level (rather than product level). Learn more about the initiative here.

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Listen to our podcast, “A Prescription for Fair Pricing“. Subscribe now on Apple, Google, or Spotify.


Policy Papers.

Easy access to our latest policy papers

Barriers to Fair Access

ICER’s third annual “Barriers to Fair Access” assessment of prescription drug coverage policies within US commercial insurance, and the Veterans Health Administration. The analysis found that major payer coverage policies for 18 drugs often met fair access criteria for cost sharing, clinical eligibility, step therapy, and provider restrictions.

However, the report’s findings suggest that major improvements are needed in the transparency of coverage policy information for consumers, and in detailing out-of-pocket costs for patients.

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Unsupported Price Increases

Of 10 high-expenditure drugs that had substantial 2022 net price increases, eight were not supported by new clinical evidence; these increases accounted for $1.27 billion in additional costs over one year.

Additionally, one of three Medicare Part B drugs with high list price increases in 2021 lacked adequate supporting new evidence, directly raising annual out-of-pocket expenses for Medicare patients by up to $680 per year

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Managing the Challenges of Paying for Gene Therapy

An analysis of policy reforms and market actions to support innovation and access while managing uncertainty, affordability, and equity concerns; developed as part of ICER’s Policy Leadership Forum with input from diverse stakeholders.

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Cost-Effectiveness, the evLYG,

the QALY, and Fair Drug Pricing.

Learn More.