ICER developed a special report evaluating the evidence on apixaban (Eliquis®, Bristol Myers Squibb) and rivaroxaban (Xarelto®, Bayer) for the treatment of nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF). ICER submitted this report to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as part of the public comment process defined in CMS guidance.  The report was tailored to reflect the legislative specifications in the Inflation Reduction Act and subsequent CMS guidance regarding the information that CMS will use to make initial offers and pursue drug price negotiation on selected drugs.   

Final Documents

ICER Founder Steve Pearson, MD, MSc:

“The US is beginning a new era in which the federal government will engage in negotiating drug pricing. In this task, CMS faces the challenge of evaluating a large evidence base and of integrating considerations regarding unmet need and other factors to arrive at price targets for negotiation.

ICER has submitted a Special Report to CMS on two of the drugs whose prices will be negotiated as part of the public comment process defined in CMS guidance. This ICER report includes sections on multiple elements related to value, providing different options for translating evidence into initial offer prices and for assessing counter-offers from drug makers. We recognize that our report will be one of many inputs CMS may consider, and we hope that it will help them as they build a reliable and transparent drug price negotiation process on behalf of the American people.”

Date of publication: September 2023

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