What Is The Public Meeting?
The public meeting is a full-day live-streamed event (usually 6-8 hours):
- First, ICER presents our findings from the Evidence Report to a council* of experts in healthcare policy, medicine, and health economics, including those representing patient perspectives.
- Second, the council discusses the report and votes on the overall effectiveness of the therapy in question.
- Third, a panel of experts weigh in on any health policy concerns. Watch an example of the policy roundtable here.
*Councils refer to the New England CEPAC, the Midwest CEPAC, and the CTAF.
When Is The Public Meeting?
The public meeting is held 8 months following the launch of the review, and a few weeks after we release the revised Evidence Report, which is the revised version of our report incorporating feedback we received during the public comment period.
How Can I Participate In The Public Meeting?
- The public meeting is fully virtual and free for anyone to attend. All public meetings offer closed captioning for individuals who are hard-of-hearing.
- You can nominate yourself or another patient advocate to make an oral comment (ICER selects a few patients to make oral public comments). Unfortunately, not everyone can speak at the public meeting. We will try our best to accommodate your request.
Click here for ICER’s ongoing assessments.
Talk with us | Contact Catherine Koola Fischer, ICER’s Director of Patient Engagement at ckoola@icer.org
Let’s Collaborate!
Share | your patient experience
Respond | to our work
Participate | in ICER’s public meeting
Empower | your community with evidence