What Is The Public Meeting?

The public meeting is a full-day live-streamed event (usually 6-8 hours):

  • First, ICER presents our findings from the Evidence Report to a council*  of experts in healthcare policy, medicine, and health economics,  including those representing patient perspectives.
  • Second, the council discusses the report and votes on the overall effectiveness of the therapy in question.
  • Third, a panel of experts weigh in on any health policy concerns. Watch an example of the policy roundtable here.

*Councils refer to the New England CEPAC, the Midwest CEPAC, and the CTAF.

When Is The Public Meeting?

The public meeting is held 8 months following the launch of the review, and a few weeks after we release the revised Evidence Report, which is the revised version of our report incorporating feedback we received during the public comment period.

How Can I Participate In The Public Meeting?

  • The public meeting is fully virtual and free for anyone to attend. All public meetings offer closed captioning for individuals who are hard-of-hearing.
  • You can nominate yourself or another patient advocate to make an oral comment (ICER selects a few patients to make oral public comments). Unfortunately, not everyone can speak at the public meeting. We will try our best to accommodate your request.

Our Ongoing Research:

          Talk with us |  Contact Catherine Koola Fischer, ICER’s Director of Patient Engagement at ckoola@icer.org

          Let’s Collaborate!

          Share | your patient experience

          Respond | to our work

          Participate | in ICER’s public meeting

          Empower | your community with evidence