The New England Comparative Effectiveness Public Advisory Council (New England CEPAC) is a nationally-recognized independent appraisal committee. The New England CEPAC convenes three times each year at public meetings to review objective evidence reports and develop recommendations for how stakeholders can apply evidence to improve the quality and value of health care. 

New England CEPAC directly engages clinicians, patients, and payers during public meetings to discuss implications of the evidence for clinical decision-making and coverage policies. Application of evidence takes shape through new medical policies, benefit designs, and patient and clinician tools to improve clinical care and patient outcomes. All members of the New England CEPAC must meet ICER’s criteria for Conflict of Interest.


New England CEPAC Members

Jason H. Wasfy, MD, MPhil

New England CEPAC Chair; Massachusetts General Hospital Heart Center

Robert H. Aseltine, Jr., PhD

UCONN Health

Rena Conti, PhD

Boston University

Austin Frakt, PhD

VA Boston Healthcare System

Marthe Gold, MD, MPH

CUNY School of Medicine

Megan Golden, JD


George Goshua, MD, MSc, FACP

Assistant Professor of Medicine (Hematology-Oncology)

Claudio W. Gualtieri, JD

Health and Human Services, Office of Policy Management (OPM)

Maria Kefalas, PhD, MA

Saint Joseph’s University

Rebecca Kirch, JD

Health Care Quality and Value for the NPAF

Stephen Kogut, PhD, MBA RPh

New England CEPAC Vice Chair; University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy

Donald Kreis, JD

New Hampshire Office of the Consumer Advocate

Julie Kueppers, PhD, NP

Alera Group

Tara Lavelle, PhD

Center for the Evaluation of Value and Risk in Health at Tufts Medical Center

Kimberly Lenz, PharmD, MBA, FAMCP

UMass Chan Medical School

Aaron Mitchell, MD, MPH

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Stephanie Nichols, PharmD, MPH, BCPP, BCPS, FCCP

University of New England College of Pharmacy

Brian P. O’Sullivan, MD

Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth College

Josephine Porter, MPH

NH Center for Justice and Equity

James B. Rebitzer, PhD

Peter and Deborah Wexler Professor, Boston University Questrom School of Business

Joseph Ross, MD, MHS

Yale School of Medicine

Jason L. Schwartz, PhD

Department of Health Policy and Management, Yale School of Public Health

Rishi Wadhera, MD, MPP, MPhil

Harvard Medical School